Are You Ready to

Start Your Girls Trip to Peace? ✝️💖

Bible Study Through Your Struggles with God using journals—You Can Stop Overthinking, Trust Him Fully, and Finally Experience Unshakable Peace! 💖✨📖

It's Time to Give God All The Glory for what He has done, is doing and will do!

Feeling Exhausted and Frustrated

😤Trying to Read the Bible?

It's OK to Say It Beautiful....God Won't Smite Ya for Thinking It 😉

Sis, You Are NOT Alone! Have You EVER Felt Like This Before...

🫣 “I want to trust God fully, but my anxiety won’t let me.” – You know you’re supposed to surrender everything to God, but your mind keeps running a million miles an hour.

🫣 “I read the Bible, but I don’t always get it.” – You want to study God’s Word, but sometimes it feels overwhelming, confusing, or like you’re missing something.

🫣 “I pray, but I don’t hear anything back.” – You struggle with feeling like God is silent and wish you could confidently recognize His voice.

🫣 “I don’t have Christian friends to talk to.” – You crave a community of like-minded women who actually get them, but you feel like you’re doing your faith walk alone.

🫣 “I’m tired of overthinking everything.” – Should you take that job? Start that business? Move to a new city? You just want clear direction from God.

🫣 “I start strong, then fall off.” – Whether it’s Bible study, journaling, prayer, or even a new life decision, you struggle with consistency. You get hyped at first but then life happens, and you slip back into old habits.

🫣 “I feel like I should be further along.” – You feel like you’re behind in life, whether it’s their faith, career, relationships, or personal growth.

🫣 “I see other Christian women thriving—what’s wrong with me?” – You want the peace, joy, and clarity that other women seem to have, but you feel stuck in the struggle.

🫣 “I keep waiting for God to move, but nothing is changing.” – You hear people say “wait on God,” but waiting feels frustrating when you don’t see results.

🫣 “I want more from life, but I don’t know what my next step is.” – You feel a stirring in your spirit that you were meant for more, but figuring out what “more” looks like is overwhelming.

.....If you've said yes gurl that's me to ANY of these ...God led ya to me for a reason!

Welcome to Your 😁 Girls Trip to Peace™

Hi Ya, I'm Gwendolen, As Your Bible Bestie

I help you bible study through struggles with God so you can find more peace.

My signature Girls Trip to Peace bible study method helps Christian women go from

Faith Fumes to Bible Beste!

I started this sistahood because God guided me to share the lessons learned through my struggles to bless other women to trust Him with theirs! I know what it’s like to love God but still struggle with fear, doubt, anxiety and overthinking. After one too many heartbreaks and overwhelming life struggles, I found myself spiritually drained—praying but not hearing God, reading the Bible but not knowing how to apply it, longing for peace but feeling stuck.

That’s when God led me to Bible study through my struggles using journaling, and everything changed.

My anxiety turned into trust, my doubts into confidence, and my overthinking into unshakable peace.

As I shared my journey, more women began asking how they could hear God clearly, trust Him fully, and stop feeling lost. As God led me through each struggle he had me share it with ladies in my family, friends, church and strangers; and now he wants me to share them all with you. And that’s why I created the Girls Trip to Peace Method™—to help Christian women Bible study through struggles with God, surrender fully, and experience real transformation. Because when a woman truly connects with God, everything in her life changes. 💖✨

What Do I Really Do? On the surface I help women bible study through struggles with God using journals. But, what I really do is help them use God's word to identify the root cause of their struggles, start praying more to Him, discover His promises and remind them of the power God already gave them to find peace- right now during the struggles (And that beautiful... is priceless!!)

God guides me in leading beautiful sistas ages 12+ like you to begin a spiritual journey with the Trinity (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) using Journaling and Bible Study. It's my joy and I with 1000% love to help you get closer to God, find unshakable peace, and build a joy-filled faith life as you bible study through struggles with God (just like I did!).

My Goal is to Serve God.. by guiding women thirsty for the Lord's presence while they deal with struggles-I diligently help sistas daily to deepen their faith, become more obedient, let go of worry and doubt to experience true peace through bible study, journaling, and sisterhood.

I'm Trying to Be a Good Disciple of Christ... God has been very clear what my role is as a disciple- and I enjoy bringing as many souls as possible to Jesus using the gifts he gives me-WHY-so they too may enjoy eternal life in Heaven with the Lord. I believe that every woman deserves peace, love, healing, and hope. God designed me in such a way that he gives me an overflow of His confidence as a teacher, coach, leader, etc. so I may put aside my emotions and instead strategically share my weaknesses, struggles and lessons learned with women in accordance with 2 Corinthians 12:9- this allows me to specifically share how God's strength sustains me and I find peace during my struggles in order all so I may help other women do the same.

Don’t Wait- Join our VIP Waitlist Click Now!

We launch our Members Club March 31, 2025; my birthday-to my email list first....then 'll Invite the public to join in April and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than with God and You beautiful 🥳 Woo Hoo!

Join our Waitlist and grab our FREE Prayer Closet VIDEO + PDF [How to Set Up Your Holy Hideout🔥🙏🏽] absolutely complimentary (Zilch, Zero, Nada!) so you can learn more about our sistahood, journals and more....


The Girls Trip to Peace Framework inside our monthly membership helps you go from stressed, overwhelmed, and spiritually exhausted→ to peaceful, confident, and deeply connected to God. This framework makes it simple, structured, and transformational while ensuring you get real results. 🙌🏽✨

All of journals are based upon our signature 4 spirit-filled journals for you beautiful ladies:

Spiritual Peace Journey ✝️ (Finding Peace + Obedience + Gratitude + More During Struggles)

Living Christlike 🥰 (Living Christlike + Bearing + Producing Fruits of the Spirit)

Who Luvs Ya Babe' 💖 (Falling More in Love With God + Praying For Your Love Life)

I'm Praying for You 🙏🏽 (Praying God's Promises Over Others Going Through Struggles)

This is Waay More Than a Members Club or Journal-it's a life-changing, heart-healing, peace-finding sistahood!💕

✨ Printed Journals- Each has 100+ color pages, spiritual prompt and notes pages (Choose 1 or Receive all 4)

✨ Unbelievable Bonuses- Private Member Portal + Autographed Book + More

✨ One-Time Setup Fee-$127 designing, packing and shipping (applies to both membership levels)

✨ Monthly Subscription-$47-97 access to private Facebook Group + Online Community + More

Your peace journey starts NOW—let’s do this faith walk together, sis! You deserve to have someone celebrating your growth and cheering ya on during your struggles! 💕📖✨ Use the button below to learn more about what's inside our Members Club

Hey Beautiful, Let’s Talk…💖

You’ve got questions? Girl, I got ya 💁🏽‍♀️✨

I know you’ve been thinking about joining our Girls Trip to Peace™ Workshop or members club. But something’s holding you back. I can feel it, sis. The fears. The what-ifs. The questions. The "is this really for me?"

Let me tell you this with love in my heart and truth in my voice: Yes. It is. And I lovingly see every single reason you might be hesitating. So let’s talk about it 👇🏽 Girl, I got you 💁🏽‍♀️✨

[Take a look at my top FAQs and Answers at the Bottom of This Page]

🤪 Tell Me More About Your Backstory...

My spiritual peace journey is the result of one too many failed relationships. After my last major heartbreak in 2019, God led me to start a deep dive personal bible study focused on understanding love as He intended.

I asked the Lord to help me understand two things before I'd EVER decide to date again 🤣 What is Love and Why Does He Love Me The Way He Does- and BABAM my Girls Trip to Peace spiritual journey was born.

...What Happened Next 😱

God told me to Be Still (but not in the house). He wanted me to continue my daily bible study to further our relationship but, also enjoy life (because between COVID, my anxiety and heartbreak I was content staying indoors)-he wanted me to serve, volunteer and have fun exploring our beautiful Earth. So I gathered all the fav parts of the many journals I used, crammed them into this one uber Holy Spirit filled journal, hit the road and visited Girlfriends for bible brunches during my trips. As I shared testimonies of how God moved in my life, more and more ladies started asking me to share EXACTLY what steps God shared, how I applied them and WOW when I did the testimonies of transformation they experienced blew me away and that's how -Girls Trip to Peace was born-

...What's Inside 🥰

I think it’s better to ask what’s not inside this beautiful creation God blessed me with. You have the option to join a members club or buy just the journal-your choice! BUT, this is more than an online community, journal, members club, Facebook group, etc.; it’s founded upon journal prayers with my best friend (God). This is your safe space to surrender struggles, give gratitude and earnestly pray (cry) to God just like I did. In 2021, God nudged me to share my journey with women in hopes of inspiring them to begin their own relationship with him. In 2023, He whispered and asked me to close my 16+ year business and instead start sharing my spiritual journey (I didn’t listen). In 2024, HE YELLED to share with women how my bible study journals help hold me accountable to live Christlike, Be Obedient, Serve Him, Love Others, etc. (I listened). In 2025, he’s guided me to use my gifts of teaching he’s given to turn my personal spiritual journals into actual printed journals and bible studies inside a monthly members club to help other women find peace during struggles just like I did.-And Here We Are-

Have You EVER Said Any of These?🤪

🔥Feeling distant from God – I love God, but sometimes I don’t feel Him. I wonder, “Why can’t I hear God’s voice like others do?” or “Am I doing this faith thing right?”

🔥Struggling to stay consistent in Bible study – I want to dig into the Word, but life be life-ing! Between work, kids, stress, and distractions, my Bible ends up collecting dust.

🔥Doubting if I'm “Christian enough” – I love Jesus but still struggle with past mistakes, bad habits, or not feeling “holy” enough. I fear God is disappointed in me.

🔥Confusion on how to apply the Bible to my real-life struggles – I read scriptures, but how does that help me navigate workplace drama, relationship stress, or financial struggles happening right now?

🔥Shame or guilt from past decisions – Even though I know God forgives, I struggle with forgiving myself.

If So...gurl you need to join us inside our Girls Trips to Peace monthly members club OR at the very least grab yourself the Spiritual Peace Journey journal 👇🏽 🥰 so you can start to feel that unshakable peace, no matter what life throws at you! If you crave that deep, unbothered, God’s-got-me kind of peace, where stress doesn’t shake you and you're feeling secure in His plan....Keep Reading Beautiful!



Setup Your Holy Hideout 📖🙏🏽😀💖

Join the FREE Prayer Closet Challenge

Discover Simple Steps to Setup Your Go-to Spot to Experience Peace with Jesus, Holy Spirit Power, and Divine Downloads from God! 🙌🏽🔥-Access the Challenge Guide and Transform Your Closet into Your Anointed Holy Hideout Today!



Meet Our Flagship Journal Launching


You don't have to join our Monthly Members Club to snag a journal (🥰but, I kinda think you'll luv hanging with us sis!)

It's absolutely OK for you to only want the journal -no membership, no Facebook Group, no support, etc.

It's OK to Journal without Us (🤩We Support Ya Where You Are on Your Spiritual Journey Beautiful!)

More Journals Dropping Soon!


Faith-Filled & Spirit-Led: Not Just a Journal—It’s a Transformation Tool!

Most journals give you blank pages. These guide you step-by-step through your spiritual peace journey, using the PEACE Bible Study Method to help you apply scripture, grow in obedience, and deepen your faith. It’s not just about writing—it’s about walking in peace, purpose, and God’s promises every single day.


Designed for Real-Life Struggles, It's Not Just Pretty Pages

Our journals aren't just cute—I mean they are but, also they're powerful! These help you navigate faith obstacles, overcome stress, fear, and doubt, and find real peace, obedience and love in the middle of chaos. Whether you’re facing business challenges, personal struggles, or just need clarity, this journal helps you hear from God and take action.


Built-In Sistahood Support—You’re Never Alone!

Unlike most journals that leave you on your own, these ones comes with a free, faith-filled community where you can study, grow, and pray together. Bible Study Through Struggles™ which is separate from our Girls Trip to Peace™ Members Club provides weekly prayer encouragement, accountability and more, so you actually stay consistent and see results in your faith walk.


Created by a Woman Who’s Walked the Journey & Seen God Move

These aren't random journals—each one is built directly from my personal testimony of finding peace with God after dealing with family deaths, battling domestic violence, surviving sexual assault, overcoming business fears, trusting the Lord w/ love, praying for others and simply surrendering everything to God. It’s real, raw, and designed for women who are serious about deepening their relationship with Christ while balancing their life, business, and purpose.

Welcome to Your Online Sistahood...

🚗💨💖 Bible Study Through Struggles:

Start Your Girls Trip to Peace! 💕📖

Hey, beautiful! Gwendolen here-your Bible Bestie 💖✨ Welcome to our Bible Bestie family! Even if all you did today was buy just one journal-we will shower you with love beautiful (buuutt, I bet you'll love the Members Club too when it launches soon!). If you joined our Girls Trip to Peace members club; you receive access to not only a private Facebook Group, but also a private online portal where all the deep dive weekly bible studies and soooo much more goodness goes down.

This is where women believe in the Lord and that our prayers and bible studies have the power to change lives! I'm not here to appear perfect or over promise anything because God is the one who transforms you (not me!!) I'm simply being obedient to use my gifts and platform to magnify Christ, share my testimonies, and God's provision, faithfulness as God guides -

this is about you and God!

You just pulled up to the ultimate Christian faith-filled road trip—and let me tell you, this is no ordinary ride! 🚘💃🏾

The Lord's had me meeting with women for brunch and bible study for years -then one day he was like gurl-you're ready! Lezzgo do this-I want you to reach more now! God wanted me to create a online community so I could privately help those struggling. And it's a great space for me to teach and us ALL to learn from others. This is not a business group but, you can feel free to collaborate (not compete) with other faith-based female entrepreneurs (lezz glow up together sis!)

Inside beautiful, we don’t just read the Bible—we LIVE IT, journal it, highlight it, snack while going through it and we share it! 🍓✍🏾☕ Get ready for a joyful, spirit-filled journey using the Girls Trip to PEACE Bible Study Method God blessed me to share with ya (trust me sis, it’s a soul-changer!) -These simple 5 steps are how I rely on God's word daily to get me through life struggles and find more peace than I thought imaginable -and there's a whole lot of WOO HOO accountability from your Bible Besties inside too. 🎀💒💖

This is your safe, supportive, spirit-led sisterhood, where we:

💖 Turn Struggles into Scripture-Powered Strength

💖 Face Fears with Fearless Faith

💖 Find God's Peace and Overflow blessings

God is MOVING BIG in here, sis! 🙌🏾✨ He’s pouring out more love, peace, joy, kindness, self-control, patience, goodness, and faithfulness than we could ever imagine. And guess what? You’re meant to be part of it! 🎉💞

🚦Before We Hit the Road… Get the Most Out of Our Community:

💖 Share your struggles (because you don’t have to go through them alone!)

💖 Ask for prayers (we’re standing in faith with you, sis!)

💖 Support and uplift each other (this is a judgment-free, Christlike-filled zone!)

We’ve got amazing Bible studies, Journals, and TONS of surprises coming your way, and I can’t wait for you to experience every blessing God has in store for you! 💕🥰

So grab your Bible, one of our fav journals, highlighters, sticky notes, and, of course, a snack (or three) 🍩📖✨… because this road trip of finding peace during struggles is officially starting! 🚗👑

🎀💖 Praise the Lord! Woo hoo! 💖🎀

Not sure which Option to Choose? Let's Fix That!

Option 1: Buy Just the Journal? You can definitely buy just the journal itself for $97/Journal without any membership and no Facebook Group access. I release one journal per quarter as God leads me. You will still need to join our VIP Waitlist to grab the journal until we launch.

Option 2: Members Club Price + Subscription? The Monthly Member Club subscription begins with a One-Time $127 design/shipping set-up fee. After 30 days, you'll be charged $97 a month. You'll have access to different types of Goodies, Bible Studies, Journal Videos, Access to Gwendolen and More. As long as membership remains active journals are automatically shipped quarterly.

Learn more about our Girls Trip to Peace Journals, Bible Study and Your Bible Beste, Gwendolen by reading below ⤵️💕



What is the Girls Trip to Peace™ Spiritual Peace Members Club, and how does it work?

Girls Trip to Peace™ is a faith-filled spiritual peace journey God led me to design this Members Club to help Christian women find unshakable peace during struggles using Bible study, journaling, and sisterhood. I use my personal PEACE Bible Study Method the Lord blessed me with back in 2019 (I've used it daily since), you’ll learn how to:

✅ Obey God’s Commands with confidence

✅ Practice Gratitude daily

✅ Find Peace During Struggles by standing on His Word

✅ Deepen Your Faith & Mature Spiritually

This is not just about reading God's Word—it’s about LIVING IT and seeing how God transforms your life!

[Click Here to Become a Bible Bestie Today!]

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What’s inside the Girls Trip to Peace™ Journals? and How many do I get?

There are distinct Girls Trip to Peace™ Journals, These are your faith companions and the Lord helped me design these lovelies to help Christian women like you surrender your struggles to the Lord, deepen your relationship with God and become more Christlike in a fun, simple, joyful, and transformational way. If you're inside the Girls Trip to Peace Monthly Members Club you receive printed journals; 1 per quarter.

You do have the option to order only 1 journal without a membership and without Facebook Group access.

Please Note: We do not offer refunds or exchanges because you receive immediate access to digital content and our distributors design, pack and ship immediately upon ordering.

With each journal, you’ll find:

📖 Guided Bible Study Prompts to help you apply scripture to your life

📝 Journaling Sections for reflection, prayers, and gratitude

💖 Faith-Filled Encouragement to help you navigate struggles with peace, not panic

✨ Membership Bonus: Access to our online communities + Facebook Sistahood for accountability + support.

Here's are the 4 journals, based on Gwendolen's personal bible study journals. All subsequent journals are based upon these 4 signature journals

Spiritual Peace Journey✝️ (Finding Prayer, Peace, Obedience, Gratitude, During Struggles)

Who Luvs Ya Babe' 💖 (Falling More in Love With God + Praying For Your Love Life)

I'm Praying for You 🙏🏽 (Praying God's Promises Over Others Going Through Struggles)

Living Christlike 🥰 (Living Christlike, Bearing & Producing Fruits of the Spirit)

[Click Here to Become a Bible Bestie Today!]

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What’s the Girls Trip to Peace™ Members Club, and what do I get as a member?

The Members Club is an EXCLUSIVE community where faith meets fun, fellowship, transformation and a whole lot of sassy! As a member, you receive:

💡 Exclusive Virtual Bible Study Sessions with Gwendolen using her signature PEACE Bible Study method

📖 Short Bite-sized Courses (Gwendolen shares her personal journaling tips, bible study method and more)

🙌🏽 Live Weekly Prayer Sessions & Bible Study Challenges in Private Zoom

💌 Sisterhood Support & Accountability

🥳 Faith-Filled Surprises & Goodies to keep your journey exciting!

🧇 Fun Bible Brunch meet ups to pray, read the word, hang out (think school field trips but, better)


It’s a safe, spirit-filled space where you can grow, learn, and build a closer relationship with God while connecting with other women who love Jesus and crave peace too!

Come on in sis: Monthly Members Clubs with a subscription that begins with a One-Time $127 design/shipping set-up fee and then $97/month thereafter. Access to different types of Goodies, Bible Studies, Journal Videos, Access to Gwendolen and More. Access to PRINTED JOURNALS. As long as your membership remains active' you receive 1 journal automatically shipped quarterly.

[Click Here to Become a Bible Bestie Today!]

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Why should I join this Monthly Members Club? what makes it so different?

Our Monthly Members Club is seriously a Sistahood and a joyful, uplifting community for any woman that bought a journal and wants to meet other women which decided to start journaling and using bible study to get through life struggles. This members club is literally built by me following God's guidance; we keep addinging cool experiences as I continue to mature in my spiritual walk with Christ. Come join us:

🎉 Every NEW member which replies the FB welcome post -receives a personal message from Gwendolen

💬 Connect with Bible Besties who encourage & uplift you

📖 Join Live Weekly Prayer & Bible Study- Gwendolen prays in agreement w/ ya-tell struggles kick rocks

💖 Find Support & Encouragement when you need it most

✨ Stay Motivated daily in Your Faith Walk with scripture, inspiration posts and soooo much more!

If you’ve ever wanted a safe place to mature in faith as a Christian, this is it! And guess what? It’s right here in journal and bible study form - join the community-if you're already inside Bible Study Through Struggles and want to cross over to Girls Trip to Peace-just let us know-we'll cross check our database and BABAM you're in don't have to (but, we kind of think you might want to!) 🤣🎀

[Click Here to Become a Bible Bestie Today!]

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Why should I listen to you? What makes your Bible Study Method unique?

Sis, let me tell you—I’ve been there. I spent years chasing men, success, money, doing all the "right things," but still feeling let down, overwhelmed, unworthy, confused and lost. Then, God told me to shut it all down and fully trust Him. 🙌🏽

During 2017-2018, my then home church- Oak Hills Church in San Antonio Texas asked me to led an in-home bible study focused on helping women of domestic violence; sharing how to build our lives based on the promises of God because I was a Christian survivor of domestic violence andsexual assault .

My spiritual peace journey started in 2019, and then in 2020, I publicly began sharing what God taught me with private client female entrepreneurs as a biz coach. But it wasn't until the end of 2024 that God guided me to begin sharing my signature PEACE Bible Study Method; this is a proven, faith-filled process that I literally have used every day since 2019 and its' changed my life.

A little more about my personal journey:

✨ Proud Boy Mom (My son serves in the US Navy! ⚓️ So, I know about praying for kiddos)

✨ Retired USAF Veteran (21 Years Strong 🇺🇸 I know a thing or 50 about leading, structure, etc.)

✨ 16+ Years as a Certified Biz Strategist & National Media Expert (I get what it means to build from scratch)

✨ A $5M Joint Venture Contract, Viral Posts & TV Appearances (that I walked away from to follow God’s call)

✨ A Personal Testimony of Overcoming Divorce, Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (God restored my peace, and He can do it for you too!)

[Click Here to read more About My Past Biz Coach Street Cred + Buy My Books]

Currently, God has me as a church leader for Elevation Church. God started me as an Online Chat host praying with church members online in Facebook during Sunday services which are broadcasted internationally from the Charlotte main campus. Since 2020, the Lord's had me leading in-person church, in-person bible study and virtual bible study for men and women in the greater San Antonio Texas area.

The Lord also has me meeting with my friends, family and besties since 2020 in brunches, in homes and naturally sharing my spiritual peace journey and what God gives me to help encourage and guide them.

I don’t just teach Bible study—God leads me how to use his words, my journals, spiritual leadership skills, personal life experiences, work expertise and gifts from Him to help women experience God’s Word in a way that brings real peace, real breakthroughs, and real transformation.

If you’re tired of the heartbreak, feeling stuck, stressed, or spiritually disconnected, let’s take this faith walk together. Grab your Bible, one of our journals, a snack, and let’s start this GIRL, TRIP TO PEACE! 🎀📖💖

[Click Here to Become a Bible Bestie Today!]

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I Still Got More Questions; Where Can I Get Answers?

Hey Beautiful, Let’s Talk…💖 Scared to sign up for a FREE Workshop or join our sistahood, read this 👀🕊️

I know you’ve been thinking about joining our Girls Trip to Peace™ Workshop or members club if you've read to the bottom of this page...

But something’s holding you back. I can feel it, sis. The fears. The what-ifs. The questions. The "is this really for me?"

Let me tell you this with love in my heart and truth in my voice: Yes. It is. And I lovingly see every single reason you might be hesitating. So let’s talk about it 👇🏽 You’ve got questions? Girl, I got you 💁🏽‍♀️✨

[Take a look at my top FAQs and Answers]

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You Already Know I Wasn't Gonna Let Ya Leave without a Church Backstory🤣

Here's a Little Bit of How God Started Using Me...

🙏🏽✝️💖 My roots started in ....

In 2006, I called Oak Hills Church in San Antonio my church home and still do even though in 2019; God let me to leave there and call Elevation Church in Charlotte NC my church home. While at Oak Hill Church, I led in-person bible studies focused on Domestic Violence, volunteered at the church Information Desk, worked with the youth and so much more. But, God made sure I found my way to Elevation Church at a crucial time in my life and told me to stay there for now to serve! 🙌🏽

Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, led by Pastor Steven and Holly Furtick, this incredible Non-denominational church became my spiritual anchor after they did something pretty incredible for me....

I went through some pretty terrible domestic violence, sexual assault, anxiety and all the things that came with it BUT, I still had a heart to serve the Lord in our community but, was terrified with how to get started leading church activities - and in steps Elevation Church. They flew from NC to TX to fully support my first two volunteer opportunities, gatherings at my home and all the things. Seriously, what church does that?! Elevation Church that's who!

But my journey with God started way before that—I got saved when I was about 8 or 9 years old in a Pentecostal Baptist North Carolina church. Of course, like many, I didn't know what was happening at that age and I eventually strayed along the way (let’s not even talk about those college years! 😅), but God never let me go, and I found my way back to loving Him in my 30's with my whole heart.

But because of that early foundation, when Elevation Church asked me in 2020 to become a church leader in San Antonio; I decided to rededicate my life to the Lord in a baptism before saying yes as a leader and hosting volunteer events all around San Antonio ....BECAUSE I wanted to let the WHOLE world (and Satan) know that I KNEW EXACTLY why I re-dedicated my life to Jesus publicly.

Since then, I've had the humble honor of being the Elevation Church Watch Party Leader 2020-2025 and an E-Group Bible Study Leader 2025 to present for San Antonio, Texas! 🎉 That meant every on Sundays, I hosted virtual and in-person church services in San Antonio. And every week, I lead a powerful, spirit-filled Bible study for men and women -where we dive deep into God’s Word, journal, and grow in faith together.

Let’s be clear—I believe in the Trinity: God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!

But you don’t have to believe exactly what I do to Bible study and journal with me. The bare minimum? You must believe in God and be willing to read His Word—whatever Bible version you prefer (though my fave is KJV 📖✨).

SIDE-NOTE: And while my business, bible studies and journals are not promoted by, hosted or paid for by any Church I mention; their sermons greatly impact my studies and journalings. I dive into sharing various church messages, because I truly believe God speaks in many ways.

© Copyright 2025 Gwendolen Wilder